Tuesday, February 7, 2012

1 Department 15 Emergency Managers...

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recently announced a change in how they'll do business and how they’ll utilize their workforce. The “Every Employee is an Emergency Manager” approach has FEMA looking to transform all employees at all levels into disaster responders. This initiative, according to FEMA aims to “train and certifying the entire workforce for incident management and incident support positions in the field—to ensure we are all prepared to conduct and support FEMA’s emergency management missions.” Sounds like a great idea, and one that Cumberland County has been utilizing for years! With a much smaller budget and workforce many local governments are already using this approach when it comes to disaster response.

(Cumberland County EOC- Where 15+ staff members transform into Emergency Managers!)

To make this department operate on a daily basis we have folks in charge of a variety of tasks. Employees oversee training programs, finances, public relations, and technology just to name a few, but our employees abilities and training levels reach far beyond these specialties. Each and every employee here at DPS is trained and experienced in disaster response and management. At a moment’s notice, our staff is ready to respond to the field, man our Emergency Operations Center and work with other government agencies to organize response and recovery efforts. So while DPS staffers wear many different hats, at the end of the day we are all emergency managers ready to serve and help you when disaster strikes!

Click the link below to learn more about FEMA's "Every Employee Is An Emergency Manager" Blog!

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