Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Flu Review...

As we navigate through National Preparedness month we also entering into that dreaded time of year we call flu season! Whether the threat of a pandemic exists or it’s just your average flu virus, flu season is disruptive and can be dangerous. Unfortunately when most people are thinking preparedness they aren’t thinking about flu season! So today we want to discuss what we can do to prepare for the flu…this includes pandemic or just regular pesky flu season.

Let’s talk pandemics! At the start of the H1N1 pandemic, we were faced with eager learners and preparers ready to take steps to protect themselves. While H1N1 was a pandemic by definition, it was a rather mild one and left many people with one word in their mind. Overreaction! But experts didn’t overreact, because the potential existed for a major pandemic and still does! So we cannot become complacent!

Pandemic flues are a naturally occurring thing that have been plaguing humans for centuries and it was only within the last century that we began to truly understand the phenomenon! Flu viruses are always changing/mutating; in fact every flu season we are facing viruses that are genetically different than the year before. A pandemic occurs when there is a drastic mutation that creates a virus that we have never been exposed to and have little or no immunity to.

We know pandemics can be dangerous to our health, but few people take the time to think about the wide spread effect it will have on our society. If a major pandemic were to occur, it is estimated that 40% of the work place would be out of commission. They may be sick, taking care of sick family members or just afraid to go to work. Could your workplace operate with almost half of its employees missing? Businesses will be shut down, hospitals will be overwhelmed, government services will be interrupted, schools will be closed and that’s just the start!

Now that we’ve painted a brief snapshot of life during a major pandemic, let’s talk about three simple steps you can take to prepare.
1. Create an emergency supply kit! Hopefully you already have one at home, and you just need to add a few items for it to be pandemic ready. Add extra fever suppressants, face masks, hand sanitizer and a thermometer. This kit will allow you to stay home and avoid public areas if the need should arise and will also allow you to take care of sick family members.
2. Promote Healthy Habits! Encourage hand washing. Hand sanitizer is great, but should never replace good old fashioned soap and water! Wash your hands often and for at least 20 seconds. Make sure you get between fingers, under jewelry and under nails! Forget that childhood lesson of covering your cough or sneeze with your hand! That just aids in the spread of germs! Instead, cough or sneeze in your sleeve! Social distancing is key as well. This means avoiding social situations that expose you to the sick and keeping your distance (3-4 feet) when out and about to avoid germs.
3. Create a family plan! Review medical and contact information, decided who will stay home with sick kids, consider preexisting health conditions, etc.

These 3 steps will not only help you during a pandemic but during regular flu season! And while we could go on forever about the flu, we will leave you with one more vital piece of the flu puzzle! Whether it’s regular flu season or a pandemic, BE A CONSIDERATE FLU PATIENT! If you’re sick, stay home! While every flu virus is different, plan on staying home for at least 24 hours after your fever subsides without the aid of a fever suppressant! Stopping and slowing the spread of a virus is our best defense! Your coworkers, friends and the Center for Disease Control thank you in advance!

Check out this link to test your Flu IQ!

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