This week I followed along to a 9-1-1communications group meeting held by the South Central Task Force. In case I didn’t describe what the task force is in my previous blogs, the SCTF is a regional emergency preparedness task force that coordinates both public and private sector resources when disasters happen. During the meeting they went over different public notification systems and other public outreach programs. I thought it was nice to see a government group being fiscally responsible while they were trying to come up with solutions for some of the issues that they have.
Back in week 2 during my stay here as an intern, I talked about going to a college in the area and how I attended a meeting about an exercise. Well this week we followed up with the college and discussed the exercise a little bit more. I found out that an exercise of this level normally takes around a year to fully prepare a plan, and then exercise that plan. This college is going to be doing the exercise in half that time and I thought it was great to see that everyone was on the same page when discussing future times for meetings and deadlines.
This is my last week here at Cumberland County Public Safety. I really enjoyed all the experiences I had and all the people I got to meet. I believe I got the chance to see behind the scenes activities that regular people never get the chance to see. I have a much better understanding of the importance public safety in our communities. I don’t know how this country would survive without all the great people who are in these types of fields.
Thanks for reading!!!!
Gary Hoffman.
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